本文将探讨如何使用 Midjourney 模仿不同的电影风格。想想电影的所有风格:从黑暗神秘到明亮多彩,我们将看看 Midjourney 如何与这些风格相匹配。那么,让我们一起来看看AI如何通过文字将电影的外观和感觉表现得栩栩如生。
个人经验分享:我一开始尝试只是在提示中使用了”[主题][电影风格][电影摄影风格]”。结果喜忧参半,成功的和失败的都有。后来,我改用了针对电影风格描述性更强的提示语,结果提升了一个档次。在使用描述性更强的语言时,Midjourney 的反应确实更好。
1 Naturalistic——自然主义
Prompt: Utilizes natural light and real locations to create a sense of realism and immediacy.

small child playing with bubbles in a garden, utilizes natural light and real locations to create a sense of realism and immediacy
2 Expressionistic——表现主义
Prompt: Characterized by highly stylized visuals, with exaggerated sets and lighting to evoke particular moods or themes.

frightened woman in the city, characterized by highly stylized visuals, with exaggerated sets and lighting to evoke particular moods or themes
3 Minimalist——极简主义
Prompt: Focuses on simplicity through static camera positions, minimal camera movement, and a focus on composition.

an old man and young child standing on a pier, looking out to sea, focuses on simplicity through static camera positions, minimal camera movement, and a focus on composition
4 Neo-noir——新黑色电影
Prompt: Utilizes shadows, stark lighting contrasts, and a muted color palette to create a modern noir aesthetic.

woman in cafe, utilizes shadows, stark lighting contrasts, and a muted color palette to create a modern noir aesthetic
5 Verité——纪实
Prompt: Emphasizes naturalism and a documentary feel with handheld camera work and improvised performances.

a woman in the city, daytime, emphasizes naturalism and a documentary feel with handheld camera work and improvised performances
6 Magical Realism——魔幻现实主义
Prompt: Combines realistic, gritty settings with fantastical elements, creating a world where magic and the mundane coexist.

a tree, Combines realistic, gritty settings with fantastical elements, creating a world where magic and the mundane coexist
7 Chiaroscuro——明暗对比
Prompt: Emphasizes stark contrasts between light and dark areas within the frame, creating dramatic tension and highlighting the depth and texture of the scene

the batmobile in an alleyway, emphasizes stark contrasts between light and dark areas within the frame, creating dramatic tension and highlighting the depth and texture of the scene
8 Oneiric——空灵
Prompt: Creates a dream-like atmosphere through soft focus, ethereal lighting, and fluid camera movements.

a woman running through a field of wheat, Creates a dream-like atmosphere through soft focus, ethereal lighting, and fluid camera movements