Sora,这个名字最近在AI圈子可谓是掀起了一阵飓风!它生成的视频不仅画质惊艳,更在于其对细节和叙事性的精准把握。而这一切的背后,都离不开一个关键因素:   提示词


  1. 家庭温馨的寿司盛宴
  • 原词:    a family of grizzly bears sit at a table, dining on salmon sashimi with chopsticks. wasabi and other condiments are at the table. the papa and mama bears are joined with their two cubs, all enjoying the sushi
  • 中文翻译:   一家灰熊围坐在桌子旁,用筷子享用鲑鱼刺身。桌子上摆放着芥末和其他调味品。熊爸爸和熊妈妈带着他们的两个幼崽,都在津津有味地吃着寿司。
  • 拆解:   这个提示词的关键在于   拟人化   的场景设定。灰熊一家用筷子吃寿司,这种反差萌的设定瞬间抓住了人们的眼球。同时,细节描写(芥末、调味品)也让画面更加生动具体。
  1. 海怪来袭!身临其境的惊险刺激
  • 原词:    the shot is foggy with sharp color contrast, the look and feel captured is found footage quality with low visibility, providing a sense of immediacy and chaos. the scene displays shaky cam footage from the perspective of 17th-century sailors aboard a pirate ship. the horizon shakes violently as waves crash against the wooden hull, making it difficult to discern details. suddenly, a massive kraken emerges dramatically from the tumultuous sea. its enormous, slippery tentacles reach out menacingly, the slimy appendages wrapping around the ship with terrifying strength. the view shifts wildly as sailors scramble in disarray to face the monstrous sea creature. the atmosphere is intense, with the groans of the ship and the roars of the ocean audible amid the chaos.
  • 中文翻译:   镜头弥漫着浓雾,色彩对比强烈,画面质感如同低能见度的真实录像,营造出一种紧迫感和混乱感。场景展现了17世纪海盗船上水手视角的晃动镜头。海浪猛烈撞击着木船体,地平线剧烈摇晃,难以辨认细节。突然,一只巨大的北海巨妖从汹涌的大海中戏剧性地出现。它巨大的、滑溜的触手威胁性地伸出来,黏糊糊的附肢以可怕的力量缠绕着船。随着水手们乱作一团地对抗这只巨大的海怪,视角剧烈地变换。气氛紧张,船的呻吟声和海洋的咆哮声在混乱中清晰可闻。
  • 拆解:   这个提示词通过对   镜头效果(foggy, shaky cam, low visibility)、场景细节(17th-century pirate ship, waves, kraken)、声音元素(groans, roars)   的细致描述,营造出极具沉浸感的氛围,让观众仿佛身临其境地感受到了海怪来袭的惊险刺激。
  1. 闪耀的“珠宝动物园”
  • 原词:    storyboard prompt: 1: the ‘bling zoo’ shop in new york city is both a jewelry store and zoo. sabertooth tigers with diamond and gold adornments, turtles with glistening emerald shells, monkeys wearing crowns, etc. end of vid prompt: the aquarium section of bling zoo. sea horses made of diamonds and pearls, king crabs and lobsters made of rubies wear crowns, turtles made of diamonds swim in the background also prmpt: The aquarium section of bling zoo, featuring jellyfish made entirely out of gold and sapphires swimming through princely seas
  • 中文翻译:   故事板提示:1:纽约市的“珠宝动物园”既是珠宝店又是动物园。剑齿虎身上装饰着钻石和黄金,海龟有着闪闪发光的祖母绿壳,猴子戴着皇冠等等。视频结尾提示:珠宝动物园的水族馆区域。由钻石和珍珠制成的海马,由红宝石制成的帝王蟹和龙虾戴着皇冠,由钻石制成的海龟在背景中游动。另一个提示:珠宝动物园的水族馆区域,以完全由黄金和蓝宝石制成的水母在华丽的海洋中游动为特色。
  • 拆解:   这个提示词的亮点在于   “珠宝动物园”   这个充满想象力的核心概念。通过对各种动物佩戴珠宝的细节描写,以及对水族馆部分的补充说明,构建出一个奇幻而奢华的动物世界。值得注意的是,它使用了   storyboard prompt 和 end of vid prompt   ,分别设定了视频的开头和结尾,展现了更强的叙事性。
  1. 深海阅读:宁静与求知
  • 原词:    A dramatic, straight-on close-up shot reveals the face of a deep-sea diver inside an old-fashioned brass diving helmet. The thick, rounded glass of the helmet offers a clear view of his serene expression. Tiny bubbles trail upward inside the helmet, and water droplets cling to the interior surfaces. Held carefully in front of him is an open book, its pages fluttering gently in the underwater currents. The book appears dry and intact, defying the surrounding aquatic environment. Soft beams of sunlight penetrate the water’s surface, illuminating his face and casting a golden glow on the pages. Fish swim in the periphery, their colors muted by the depth but still vibrant against the blue-green backdrop. The diver’s eyes scan the text intently, completely absorbed in his reading despite being submerged. The surreal combination of literature and the depths of the ocean creates a dreamlike atmosphere, highlighting the pursuit of knowledge in the most unexpected places.
  • 中文翻译:   一个戏剧性的、直视的近景镜头展现了一位深海潜水员在老式黄铜潜水头盔内的面部。厚而圆的头盔玻璃清晰地展现了他平静的表情。微小的气泡在头盔内向上飘动,水滴附着在内表面。他小心翼翼地举着一本打开的书,书页在水流中轻轻飘动。这本书看起来干燥完整,无视周围的水生环境。柔和的阳光穿透水面,照亮了他的脸,并在书页上投下金色的光芒。鱼群在周围游动,它们的颜色因深度而变得柔和,但在蓝绿色的背景下仍然充满活力。潜水员的眼睛专注地扫视着文字,尽管身处水下,却完全沉浸在阅读中。文学与深海的超现实组合营造出一种梦幻般的氛围,突出了在最意想不到的地方对知识的追求。
  • 拆解:   这个提示词通过对   光线、气泡、水滴、书籍、鱼群   等细节的刻画,营造出一种梦幻般的氛围。潜水员在深海阅读的场景,也象征着对知识的追求永无止境。
  1. 金色汪洋:洛克菲勒的狗狗派对
  • 原词:    rockefeller center is overrun by golden retrievers! everywhere you look, there are golden retrievers. it’s a nighttime winter wonderland in nyc, and there is a grand christmas tree visible. taxis and other nyc elements are visible in the background
  • 中文翻译:   洛克菲勒中心被金毛犬淹没了!到处都是金毛犬。这是纽约市夜晚的冬季仙境,可以看到一棵巨大的圣诞树。出租车和其他纽约元素在背景中可见。
  • 拆解:   这个提示词简洁明了,却充满了趣味性。   “洛克菲勒中心”、“金色猎犬”、“圣诞树”、“纽约元素”   等关键词的组合,构建出一个热闹欢快的节日场景。