在这片永恒的冰雪王国里,有一个传说。 传说中,冰川深处栖息着一位神秘的守护者——冰川巨龙。它的鳞片如同最纯净的冰晶,在极光下闪烁着梦幻般的光芒。每当极夜降临,你能看到它优雅地滑翔在北极光织就的天幕之下,守护着这片纯净的土地。 在黎明时分,当第一缕阳光穿透厚重的云层,巨龙会在金色的晨光中展现其威严的身姿。它在冰封的湖面上翱翔,吐息形成的霜雾在空中凝结成千万颗晶莹的冰珠,仿佛打造了一座临时的水晶宫殿。 而当你深入冰川,或许能寻找到它的王座——由千年冰晶雕琢而成的宝座,周围是层层叠叠的冰瀑,构成了一道天然的屏障。这里就是冰龙的领地,一个充满神秘与力量的圣殿。 在这个被永恒之冬笼罩的世界里,冰川巨龙不仅是一个生灵,更是大自然力量的化身。它的存在,让我们见证了这片冰雪王国最原始、最震撼的力量。 让我们一起走进这个被寒冰与传说笼罩的世界,聆听冰川巨龙的咆哮,感受永恒冰雪的魅力。 [方案 1 – 史诗冰川巨龙栖息地] ![]()
提示词:ancient ice dragon, massive glacier landscape, ice caves, crystalline formations, arctic mountains, northern lights, floating ice shards, mystical blue light, dragon scales reflecting aurora, frost mist, towering ice peaks, dragon’s lair, photo-realistic, depth of field control, focus on subject details and background environment, artistic rendering, vivid colors, exquisite details, high resolution, super details, photorealistic rendering, rich details, natural look, super realism, 32k uhd, commercial photography, amazing quality –v 6.1 –style raw –ar 16:9 中文说明:展现一个庞大的冰川栖息地,巨龙与自然环境完美融合,北极光为场景增添神秘感 [方案 2 – 冰封王座风格] ![]()
提示词:ice throne dragon, frozen waterfall backdrop, crystal clear ice structures, snow storm atmosphere, dragon perched on ice throne, winter kingdom, icy wind effects, frozen lake surface, cold blue lighting, majestic scale, photo-realistic, depth of field control, focus on subject details and background environment, artistic rendering, vivid colors, exquisite details, high resolution, super details, photorealistic rendering, rich details, natural look, super realism, 32k uhd, commercial photography, amazing quality –v 6.1 –style raw –ar 16:9 中文说明:强调冰龙王者气势,以冰封王座为核心,营造出庄严肃穆的氛围 [方案 3 – 日出冰川猎龙场景] ![]()
提示词:dawn light on glacier, hunting ice dragon, morning sun rays, steam rising, cracking ice surface, dynamic action pose, frost breath effect, golden morning light, dramatic shadows, epic scale landscape, photo-realistic, depth of field control, focus on subject details and background environment, artistic rendering, vivid colors, exquisite details, high resolution, super details, photorealistic rendering, rich details, natural look, super realism, 32k uhd, commercial photography, amazing quality –v 6.1 –style raw –ar 16:9 中文说明:捕捉冰龙在日出时分狩猎的瞬间,动态感强,光影对比鲜明