# 撰写一篇关于[主题]的公文,要求简洁明了,重点突出,逻辑清晰,语言规范。控制字数在[字数]字以内。Write an official document about [Topic]. The document should be concise and clear, highlighting key points with a clear logical structure and standard language. Keep the word count within [Number] words.
# 以[风格]的风格起草一份关于[主题]的公文,并结合[具体案例/数据]进行说明。Draft an official document about [Topic] in the style of [Style], incorporating [Specific examples/data] for illustration.
# 总结这份[文件类型]的主要内容,并提出你的意见和建议。Summarize the main points of this [Document Type] and provide your comments and suggestions.
# 用更正式的语气改写这段文字,使其符合公文写作规范:[文本]Rewrite this text in a more formal tone suitable for official document writing: [Text]
# 将这段文字转换为公文写作的风格,注意语言的准确性和规范性:[文本]Convert this text into a style appropriate for official document writing, paying attention to accuracy and standardization of language: [Text]
# 写一份关于[事件]的通知,包括时间、地点、参与人员、注意事项等信息。Write a notice about [Event], including information about the time, location, participants, and important notes.
# 起草一份关于[政策]的通知,要求清晰地传达政策要点,并明确执行时间和相关责任人。Draft a notice regarding [Policy]. Clearly convey the key policy points, specify the implementation time, and identify the relevant responsible parties.
# 生成一个会议通知,时间是[时间],地点是[地点],主题是[主题],参会人员是[参会人员],并注明需要提前准备的材料。Generate a meeting notice. Time: [Time], Location: [Location], Topic: [Topic], Participants: [Participants]. Please also specify any materials that need to be prepared in advance.
# 写一份关于[项目]的进展报告,包括项目概述、目前进展、存在问题及解决方案、未来计划等。Write a progress report on [Project], including project overview, current progress, existing problems and solutions, and future plans.
# 生成一份[事件]的调查报告,要求客观公正,详细描述事件经过、原因分析和处理结果。Generate an investigation report on [Incident]. The report should be objective and impartial, detailing the incident, analyzing the causes, and outlining the handling results.
# 撰写一份关于[主题]的调研报告,包括调研背景、调研方法、调研结果、数据分析和结论建议。Write a research report on [Topic], including research background, methodology, results, data analysis, and concluding recommendations.
# 写一份关于[请求事项]的请示,说明请示事由、具体内容和所需支持。Write a formal request regarding [Request Item], clearly stating the reasons for the request, specific details, and the required support.
# 起草一份关于[项目]的经费请示,列明项目预算明细,并说明资金用途和预期效益。Draft a funding request for [Project], listing the detailed budget breakdown, explaining the intended use of funds, and outlining the expected benefits.
# 针对[请示内容],写一份批复,明确同意或不同意,并说明理由。Write a reply to [Request Content], clearly indicating approval or disapproval, and providing justifications.
# 批准[项目]的申请,并生成一份批复,列明批准的具体内容和后续执行要求。Approve the application for [Project] and generate a formal reply, listing the specific approved content and subsequent implementation requirements.
# 写一封关于[主题]的公函, addressed to [收件人/机构],要求语言正式、内容简洁明了。Write an official letter about [Topic], addressed to [Recipient/Organization]. The language should be formal, and the content concise and clear.
# 起草一封感谢信,感谢[对象]的[贡献],表达真挚的谢意,并展望未来合作。Draft a thank you letter to express sincere gratitude to [Recipient] for their [Contribution], and look forward to future cooperation.
# 制定一份[项目]的实施计划,包括项目目标、实施步骤、时间安排、人员分工、风险评估和应急预案。Develop a detailed implementation plan for [Project], including project objectives, implementation steps, timelines, personnel assignments, risk assessment, and contingency plans.
# 创建一个关于[目标]的年度计划,明确目标分解、关键指标、行动方案和考核评估机制。Create an annual plan for [Goal], clearly defining objective breakdowns, key indicators, action plans, and performance evaluation mechanisms.
# 撰写一份[年度/季度/月度]工作总结,总结工作成果、经验教训和未来工作计划。Write a [Yearly/Quarterly/Monthly] work summary, summarizing achievements, lessons learned, and future work plans.
# 总结[项目/活动]的经验教训,分析成功和不足之处,并提出改进建议。Summarize the lessons learned from [Project/Activity], analyzing successes and shortcomings, and proposing suggestions for improvement.
# 为[场合]准备一份发言稿,主题是[主题],面向[听众],要求语言生动、感染力强。Prepare a speech for [Occasion] on the topic of [Topic], addressing [Audience]. The language should be vivid and compelling.
# 以[身份]的身份,写一篇关于[主题]的发言稿,表达[立场/观点],并呼吁[行动/改变]。Write a speech about [Topic] as [Role], expressing [Stance/Viewpoint], and calling for [Action/Change].
十、其他常用提示词 (30个)
# 改进这段文字,使其更简洁明了,避免冗余和重复:[文本]Refine this text to make it more concise and clear, avoiding redundancy and repetition: [Text]
# 用更专业的语言改写这段文字,使用更精准的术语:[文本]Rewrite this text in more professional language, using more precise terminology: [Text]
# 检查这段文字是否存在语法错误、拼写错误和标点符号错误:[文本]Check this text for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors: [Text]
# 给这篇文章添加一个合适的标题,要简洁明了,又能概括文章主旨:[文本]Add a suitable title to this article that is concise and clear, yet effectively summarizes the main point: [Text]
# 生成一个[主题]的大纲,包括主要论点和 supporting details.Generate an outline for [Topic], including main arguments and supporting details.
# 列出[主题]的关键要点,并进行简要说明。List the key points of [Topic] and provide brief explanations.
# 用[数量]个字概括这篇文章的内容,并突出核心观点:[文本]Summarize the content of this article in [Number] words, highlighting the core arguments: [Text]
# 将以下要点扩展成一段文字,使其逻辑连贯、语言流畅:[要点]Expand the following points into a coherent and fluent paragraph: [Points]
# 根据以下信息写一段开头,引出文章主题,并吸引读者继续阅读:[信息]Write an opening paragraph based on the following information, introducing the topic and engaging the reader: [Information]
# 写一个关于[主题]的结论段落,总结文章要点,并提出展望或建议。Write a concluding paragraph about [Topic], summarizing the main points and offering prospects or suggestions.
# 提供一些关于[主题]的建议,要切实可行,并具有操作性。Provide practical and actionable suggestions on [Topic].
# 分析[政策/文件]的影响,包括正面影响和负面影响,并进行评估。Analyze the impact of [Policy/Document], including both positive and negative impacts, and provide an assessment.
# 比较[选项A]和[选项B]的优缺点,并给出你的最终建议。Compare the advantages and disadvantages of [Option A] and [Option B], and provide your final recommendation.
# 解释[概念/术语],并举例说明。Explain [Concept/Term] and provide examples.
# 预测[趋势/发展],并分析其可能带来的影响。Predict [Trend/Development] and analyze its potential impact.
# 提供[主题]的背景信息,以便读者更好地理解文章内容。Provide background information on [Topic] to help readers better understand the content.
# 列举[主题]的例子,并进行简要分析。List examples of [Topic] and provide brief analysis.
# 用数据支持你的论点,并确保数据的准确性和可靠性:[论点]Support your argument with data, ensuring its accuracy and reliability: [Argument]
# 避免使用口语化的表达,使用更正式的书面语。Avoid colloquial expressions and use more formal written language.
# 使用更正式的词汇,提升公文的专业性。Use more formal vocabulary to enhance the professionalism of the official document.
# 确保语气客观中立,避免带有个人情感色彩。Ensure an objective and neutral tone, avoiding personal emotions.
# 突出重点内容,使用粗体、斜体等格式进行强调。Highlight key content using formatting such as bold and italics for emphasis.
# 使用清晰的逻辑结构,例如总分结构、并列结构、递进结构等。Use a clear logical structure, such as general-specific, parallel, or progressive structures.
# 确保语言流畅自然,避免生硬和晦涩。Ensure smooth and natural language, avoiding stiffness and obscurity.
# 避免重复用词,使用同义词或不同的表达方式。Avoid repetitive wording by using synonyms or different expressions.
# 使用恰当的标点符号,确保语句的完整性和准确性。Use appropriate punctuation to ensure the completeness and accuracy of sentences.
# 检查是否有错别字,确保公文的规范性。Check for typos to ensure the standardization of the official document.
# 根据[规定/格式]撰写公文,例如《党政机关公文格式》等。Write official documents according to [Regulations/Format], such as “Regulations on the Format of Official Documents of Party and Government Organs.”
# 将[数据/信息]整合到公文中,并进行必要的分析和解释。Integrate [Data/Information] into official documents and provide necessary analysis and explanation.
# 撰写一份[类型]的公文,内容关于[主题],字数限制在[字数]字以内,并符合[特定格式要求]。Write a [Type] of official document about [Topic] within a word limit of [Number] words, adhering to [Specific format requirements].
# 根据[模板]撰写公文,并根据实际情况进行修改和调整。Write an official document based on [Template], making modifications and adjustments based on the actual situation.
# 对[公文]进行润色和修改,使其更加完善。Polish and revise [Official Document] for further improvement.