1. 写一个关于[产品/服务,例如:一款新型电动牙刷]的营销文案,突出[卖点,例如:声波震动技术和超长续航]。并将其用于[平台,例如:小红书]。 Write a marketing copy for [product/service, e.g., a new electric toothbrush], highlighting [selling point, e.g., sonic vibration technology and long battery life]. Tailor it for use on [platform, e.g., Xiaohongshu].
2. 帮我生成5个吸引人的标题,关于[主题,例如:人工智能在医疗领域的应用],要求简洁明了,并包含关键词[关键词,例如:AI医疗、未来医疗]。 Generate 5 catchy titles about [topic, e.g., the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare]. Keep them concise and include keywords like [keywords, e.g., AI healthcare, future of medicine].
3. 将这段文字改写得更简洁明了,并使其更适合[目标读者,例如:专业人士]阅读:[原文] Rewrite this text to be more concise and clear, and make it more suitable for [target audience, e.g., professionals] to read: [Original Text]
4. 以[目标受众,例如:年轻妈妈]的口吻,写一篇关于[主题,例如:如何选择婴儿奶粉]的文章,语气要[语气,例如:亲切自然],字数控制在[字数,例如:500字]左右。 Write an article about [topic, e.g., how to choose baby formula] in the tone of [target audience, e.g., young mothers]. The tone should be [tone, e.g., friendly and natural], and the word count should be around [word count, e.g., 500 words].
5. 为[产品,例如:一款智能手表]写一个slogan,要突出其[特点,例如:时尚和科技感]。 Write a slogan for [product, e.g., a smartwatch] that highlights its [features, e.g., fashion and technology].
6. 头脑风暴一些关于[主题,例如:元宇宙社交]的创意,并列出每个创意的优缺点。 Brainstorm some creative ideas about [topic, e.g., metaverse social interaction] and list the pros and cons of each idea.
7. 给我一些关于[问题,例如:如何提高团队协作效率]的创新解决方案,并考虑[限制条件,例如:预算和时间]。 Give me some innovative solutions for [problem, e.g., how to improve team collaboration efficiency], taking into account [constraints, e.g., budget and time].
8. 设计一个[活动/产品,例如:线上读书会],目标是[目标,例如:推广阅读习惯],并列出具体的实施步骤。 Design an [event/product, e.g., online book club] aimed at [goal, e.g., promoting reading habits] and list the specific implementation steps.
9. 想一些吸引人的[活动/产品,例如:一款新的手机游戏]名称,要朗朗上口,易于记忆。 Come up with some catchy names for an [event/product, e.g., a new mobile game] that are easy to pronounce and remember.
10. 以[风格,例如:赛博朋克]创作一个关于[主题,例如:未来城市]的故事,字数控制在[字数,例如:1000字]以内。 Create a story about [topic, e.g., future cities] in the style of [style, e.g., cyberpunk] with a word count within [word count, e.g., 1000 words].
11. 分析[数据集],找出[关键指标,例如:销售额]的变化趋势。 Analyze [dataset] and identify trends in [key metrics, e.g. sales].
12. 从[数据集]中提取[特定信息,例如:用户 demographics 数据]。 Extract [specific information, e.g. user demographics data] from [dataset].
13. 用[图表类型,例如:柱状图]可视化[数据]。 Visualize [data] using a [chart type, e.g., bar chart].
14. 预测[指标,例如:未来一个月销售额],基于[数据集]。 Predict [metric, e.g., next month’s sales] based on [dataset].
15. 找出[数据]中的异常值并解释可能的原因。 Identify outliers in the [data] and explain possible reasons.
16. 总结[文章/书籍/视频]的核心内容。 Summarize the key content of [article/book/video].
17. 解释[概念,例如:区块链技术]。 Explain [concept, e.g., blockchain technology].
18. 用简单的语言解释 [复杂概念,例如:量子物理]。 Explain [complex concept, e.g., quantum physics] in simple terms.
19. 比较[A,例如:Python]和[B,例如:Java]的优缺点。 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of [A, e.g., Python] and [B, e.g., Java].
20. 创建一个学习计划,用于学习[技能,例如:数据分析]。 Create a learning plan for learning [skill, e.g., data analysis].
21. 写一封邮件给[收件人],关于[主题]。 Write an email to [recipient] about [topic].
22. 将以下内容转换为更正式的商务语言:[内容] Convert the following content into more formal business language: [content]
23. 帮我准备一个关于[主题]的演讲稿。 Help me prepare a presentation on [topic].
24. 写一个会议纪要,关于[会议主题]。 Write meeting minutes for [meeting topic].
25. 提供一些改进[沟通技巧,例如:公开演讲]的建议。 Provide some suggestions for improving [communication skills, e.g., public speaking].
26. 创建一个日程安排,用于完成[任务]。 Create a schedule for completing [task].
27. 将[任务列表]按优先级排序。 Prioritize the following task list: [task list].
28. 帮我分解[大型任务]成更小的、可管理的任务。 Help me break down [large task] into smaller, manageable tasks.
29. 估算完成[任务]所需的时间。 Estimate the time required to complete [task].
30. 提供一些提高时间管理效率的技巧。 Provide some tips for improving time management efficiency.
31. 分析[问题]的根本原因。 Analyze the root cause of [problem].
32. 针对[问题]提出一些可行的解决方案。 Propose some feasible solutions for [problem].
33. 评估[解决方案]的优缺点。 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of [solution].
34. 预测[决策]的潜在后果。 Predict the potential consequences of [decision].
35. 制定一个应急计划,以应对[潜在问题]。 Develop a contingency plan to address [potential problem].
36. 用[编程语言,例如:Python]写一个函数来[功能,例如:计算阶乘]。 Write a function in [programming language, e.g. Python] to [function, e.g., calculate factorial].
37. 帮我调试这段代码:[代码] Help me debug this code: [code]
38. 将[代码片段,例如:一段 Java 代码]翻译成[目标语言,例如:Python]。 Translate [code snippet, e.g. a piece of Java code] to [target language, e.g. Python].
39. 为以下代码写文档:[代码] Write documentation for the following code: [code]
40. 生成[编程语言,例如:Python]代码,用于[任务,例如:连接到数据库]。 Generate [programming language, e.g. Python] code for [task, e.g., connecting to a database].
41. 将[文本]翻译成[语言,例如:英语]。 Translate [text] into [language, e.g., English].
42. 总结[会议记录]的要点。 Summarize the main points of [meeting notes].
43. 根据[关键词]生成一个故事大纲。 Generate a story outline based on [keywords].
44. 创建一个[主题]的思维导图。 Create a mind map for [topic].
45. 给我一些关于[主题]的有趣事实。 Give me some interesting facts about [topic].
46. 用[关键词]写一首诗。 Write a poem using [keywords].
47. 生成一个随机密码,包含[字符类型,例如:数字、字母和符号]。 Generate a random password containing [character types, e.g., numbers, letters and symbols].
48. 将[日期]转换为[格式,例如:YYYY-MM-DD]。 Convert [date] to [format, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD].
49. 查找[关键词]的相关信息。 Find information related to [keywords].
50. 给我一些关于[主题]的研究论文。 Give me some research papers on [topic].