这次和大家分享一些在 Midjourney 中创建户外风景照片的技巧。

  一、利用黄金时段日出后不久或日落前的黄金时段,以柔和、温暖的光线和长长的阴影而闻名。这是拍摄户外照片的理想时间,能营造出自然、灿烂的氛围。要捕捉金色时光的感觉,请注意中途提示中的照明方向。可以加入以下关键词增强效果:温暖 warm柔和的光线 soft light长长的阴影 long shadows金色色调 golden tones

  提示词: A serene landscape of a forest clearing at golden hour, warm, soft light filtering through tall trees, long shadows on the ground, with a slight mist in the distance, rich golden tones.金色时节,林间空地上一片宁静的景色,温暖柔和的光线透过高大的树木,地面上的影子长长的,远处有轻微的薄雾,金色的色调浓郁


  云雾缭绕或暴风雨即将来临的戏剧性天空能为户外摄影增添情感和力度。这种类型的图像能唤起一种宏伟和动感。使用描述性语言,传达自然的力量。加入以下关键词,让你的想象栩栩如生:戏剧性的暴风雨云层 dramatic storm clouds滚滚雷声rolling thunder一缕阳光冲破暴风雨 ray of sunlight breaking through the storm

  提示词:A vast open field under a dramatic sky filled with rolling storm clouds, a single ray of sunlight piercing through, illuminating wildflowers, deep shadows contrasting with bright light.



  湖泊、河流和海洋等水元素为户外摄影带来了活力和宁静。捕捉水的流动或倒影,可以拍摄出美丽、令人沉醉的图像。为了让你的水景脱颖而出,可以使用以下关键词来描述水的运动或意境:轻柔的涟漪 gentle ripples汹涌的波涛 crashing waves镜面般的倒影 mirror-like reflections

  提示词: A serene mountain lake at sunrise, mirror-like reflections of the surrounding snow-capped peaks, soft pink and blue hues in the sky, gentle ripples across the water, morning mist drifting above the surface.



  高山风景以其雄伟的规模和自然之美深受户外摄影师的喜爱。无论是拍摄白雪皑皑的山峰、郁郁葱葱连绵起伏的丘陵,还是崎岖不平的悬崖峭壁,高山都能给人带来敬畏感和规模感。使用以下关键词元素来突出山脉的特点:高耸入云 towering白雪皑皑 snow-dusted崎岖不平 rugged

  提示词: A majestic view of snow-capped mountains at dawn, with golden light hitting the peaks, a small alpine forest below, and a meandering river reflecting the first light of day.



  森林给人以神秘、宁静和自然之美的感觉。穿过茂密森林的小路尤其吸引人,因为它们会让观众想象自己可能会去的地方。Tip: Include words that describe the depth of the forest and lighting details like “dappled sunlight,” “deep shadows,” and “moss-covered.” This helps to create a sense of immersion and atmosphere.

  提示:加入描述森林深度和照明细节的关键词,有助于营造一种身临其境的感觉和氛围:斑驳的阳光 dappled sunlight深深的阴影 deep shadows青苔覆盖 moss-covered

  提示词: A narrow forest path winding through tall, ancient trees, dappled sunlight breaking through the dense canopy, moss-covered rocks lining the trail, soft mist in the background.



  海岸场景因其混合的纹理而广受欢迎,从光滑的沙滩到嶙峋的悬崖。它们可以是平静祥和的,也可以是狂野暴风雨的,这取决于您想要表达的情绪。狂风肆虐 windswept清澈见底 crystal-clear海浪咆哮 roaring waves等具体形容词来描绘大海的性质。灯塔 lighthouses沙丘 sand dunes海岸花朵 coastal flowers等元素可以增加画面的深度。

  提示词: A windswept coastal cliff at sunset, roaring waves crashing against the rocks below, a lighthouse perched on the edge with its light beaming out, scattered clouds glowing with the last light of day.



  开满野花的田野或明亮天空下连绵起伏的山丘是户外摄影的主要场景。这些场景给人以宁静、广阔的感觉。使用生动的色彩描述和景观细节,会产生更加逼真的效果,如:连绵起伏的青山 rolling green hills在微风中摇曳的野花 wildflowers swaying in the breeze广阔的蓝天 expansive blue sky

  提示词: An open field of wildflowers under a bright blue sky, rolling green hills in the distance, with a gentle breeze moving the flowers, and white fluffy clouds casting light shadows on the ground.

